Pillsbury Grocery Coupons

Grocery coupons are a great way to save money especially in this economy.  It seems like the price of groceries keep going up right along side the unemployment rates!  I’ve always used coupons, but lately I’ve paid more attention to what is on sale when, and I’ve been using my coupons accordingly. 


Like this week I had a coupon for $1 off 5 or more boxes of Hot Pockets.  Ingles also has Hot Pockets on sale this week at 5 boxes for $10, so I was able to buy 5 boxes for $9.  That’s $1.80 a box!  Don’t forget to pay attention to which stores will double coupons as well!  Some stores even triple smaller ones. 


The downside to saving all this cash is the more I save the more food I buy!  That means I also eat more, and some days I'm afraid the best weight loss pills in the world won't help me lose the rest of this baby weight if I keep eating like a pig! Oh well I don't care. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm not hungry! Now, speaking of food coupons let's all take a few minutes to sign up for a free account with Pillsbury. With an account you can print tons of money saving coupons straight from the Pillsbury website. This month you can save $30.40 with the coupons you'll find there!