Lowering Your Power Bill

I admit I absolutely love the cold season, but I hate the fact that our power bill always goes up.  Considering we have free heat via the wood stove it’s always a mystery to me why our power bill is so darn high in January and February.  Last year we received bills of almost $400 each month when our winter power bills are hardly ever over $100, and we weren’t alone.  There were many people in our area who were complaining about the same thing.  We all called our power company numerous times to complain, but it did no good.  We live in an area where we don’t get to choose our power company.  We’re stuck with whoever runs the service in our area, and we’re stuck paying whatever they decide to bill us.

I really wish we lived in a state that gave us the option of choosing which power company we’d like to use.  If you live in one of the states with electric deregulation low cost energy may be more available than you think. Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey and Pennsylvania all allow consumers to choose their power company, and that could mean big savings for you if you live in one of those states. If you're a resident of one of the states mentioned above check out lowcostpower.com and use the drop down boxes on the right to see how much you could be saving. You can also get a $50 cash bonus if you sign up and switch your service to Verde Energy (but only do so if it means lowering your bill)!