I've been going through some of the old pages with samples I had bookmarked on my Asus to see if any of them have revived or added to samples I've previously posted. There have been many times when I've bookmarked a website that has offered samples that are no longer available because I know those sites change samples and offer new ones on a regular basis.
I posted previously about Parent's Choice Formula samples, and I'm posting again because there is a new addition to the samples line up. The Parent's Choice Formula website is now offering free samples of Parent's Choice Gentle® Formula. The Gentle formula is specifically for babies who have problems with fussiness and gas, and it is comparable to Enfamil Gentlease Lipil. The free samples of Parent's Choice Premium Formula and Parent's Choice Advantage™ Formula are still available as well.
If you've been wanting to try the Parent's Choice formulas now is your chance, and each sample is a full 1 day supply if you are exclusively formula feeding. Because we only supplement with a bottle of formula from time to time our free sample lasted almost a full week.
As I also stated in my previous post we use and are very happy with Parent's Choice formulas. We originally used Similac because it was the only formula our daughter could take. Good Start and Infamil caused her to vomit violently. We had absolutely no problems switching the the Parent's Choice Sensitivity formula (comparible to Similac Sensitive), and we love how much we've saved by doing so. Our daughter actually prefers the taste of the Parent's Choice formula, and when our local Walmart ran out of the Sensitivity version she refused to take the Similac.