Kindergarten Challenge

The Author of this post is Rolando Dickerson

Working with my kindergartner on his sight words over the past few months have been nothing short of challenging. Trying to find ways to encourage and inspire them to do something they do not want to do is overwhelming at times. While flipping through the channels, I happen to catch a great show on direct tv memphis that gave me the idea of setting up a little home school nook in our house. While he was at school, I went out a purchased some goal setting materials to put on my make-shift bulletin board for the dining room wall. I printed out pictures of his favorite Directv shows and used those shows as a reward system for his hard work. It only took me about an hour to put it together and to my surprise, he began working harder and harder everyday on those words he needed to learn so badly before he entered first grade. Plus, it makes his favorite show even more special when he feels like he earned the tv time. He even asks if we can study so he can catch the next show sometimes. There is nothing better than seeing your child inspired to learn.